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Set up payment methods available for your clients

Flexible set-up

IdoBooking allows for 4 different ways of securing online deposits. You are the one to choose which payment methods you want to accept and on what conditions.

Go the ADMINISTRATION/Payment configuration tab.

Two-ways of accepting payments:

Instant payments:

You can integrate IdoBooking with your business PayPal account. Just provide your PayPal login (e-mail address), API username, API password and signature in the IdoBooking admin panel (under Administration/Payment configuration/PayPal).

  • Credit/debit cards

Thanks to the PayPal integration, you can also take instant card payments via Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, and American Express. Just Credit and debit card payments via PayPal in your admin panel.

Your clients will be able to see in the Booking Engine which payment cards you accept:

You can also send them automated e-mail requests to make the payment:


  • Guarantee reservations by providing card details

Using this method, clients do not make any direct payment. They just provide their card details. We allow no automated way to charge their cards; neither do we verify the data. Reservations guaranteed with card details always have the status of awaiting payment. If you have the means of verifying or charging the card, you can manually accept the payment in the Settlement section and inform your client by sending an e-mail notification.

Remember: if you plan to charge your clients cards, you should provide suitable information in your Booking Terms and Conditions.

To protect your guests' data, all card details are automatically deleted from the system one week after the departure.

  • Bank transfer

You can also accept booking deposits via traditional bank transfers. When your clients choose bank transfer as the payment method, they will see your account number in the Widget and also receive an e-mail notification with all details. We allow you to decide whether you want to accept bank transfers also for non-refundable bookings.

Reservations paid via bank transfer won’t cancel automatically in the admin panel. We give you time until the reservation start to mark if the payment was made, as we do not have any means of verifying it.
As such payments are not instant, you can set a time limit for choosing this method, i.e. don’t allow for making a bank transfer if the reservation starts in less than 2 days.

Remember, once you receive a payment, make sure to register it on the reservation card in the settlement section and click on the Accept button.