In the next few weeks we will be releasing a number of changes to the login, password reset and unlock panel access system for IdoSell and IdoBooking customers. All these processes will now be much simpler and will save your time. In the article below we explain what will change.
Until now, when you logged into the admin panel, BOK panel, Q&A system, you were required to log in with a specific account. For some customers it was quite cumbersome. That's why at IdoSell we decided to change the way you log in.
Now, access to idosell.com and idobooking.com websites and the Q&A system will be simplified, i.e. it will only require entering your e-mail address and clicking on a link. Once you follow the link you will be logged in for a very long time.
Logging in to one of these sites also means logging in to all the others. In addition, when you log into your admin panel or BOK panel, you will also be logged into the above places.
At IdoSell, we want you to have constant and easy access to our knowledge base, webinars and other educational or informational materials. That's why we've also simplified logging in to all services from idosell.com and idobooking.com.
We want your data to be even more secure. That's why we've made a change to customize your login security policy. What will change? You will gain an optional option to enable password reset requirement every 90 days. By default, you will receive a password reset reminder every 90 days. However, for your convenience, the reminder will not force this reset.
In addition to the above changes, we are also making a number of minor improvements to make all processes faster, more secure and even more intuitive.
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