Our Q&A IdoSell and Q&A IdoBooking service, which has been serving as a place for discussion and information exchange for a year, has just been made public for all users. This means that you don't have to be logged in to deepen your knowledge of your business or find answers to questions that interest you.
You no longer need to be logged in to view the content that is created on the site. This way, you will have all the information you need at the click of a button. Logging in will only be required when you want to add a new question or reply in a selected thread. You will also soon be able to find the issues you are interested in the Google search results.
Q&A service is a place where the community exchanges knowledge, strategies and their insights with each other. Here you can ask questions to other IdoSell and IdoBooking users and gain knowledge on numerous topics.
Our employees also help you find solutions by keeping track of the website and actively participating in discussions. Thanks to that, you can be sure that no question will remain unanswered, and all the suggestions concerning the operation of our services will reach the people who plan their development.
The Q&A service is available separately for IdoSell and IdoBooking:
There are two language versions available for each of those services - Polish and English. You will be logged into Q&A in the language version you are currently using on our company website.
We invite you to visit the Q&A service and actively participate in the discussions.
In the IdoSell webinar, we talked about how the Q&A service works and what its capabilities are. Watch the recording:
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