From now on you can use the additional analysis of average room sales by offer. Find out which offers are most popular with your guests and bring you the most profit. On the basis of detailed information from any sales period, you'll be able to make your offer more attractive for your guests. IdoBooking's entire marketing analytics module has been updated with improved data filtering, new charts and data exports to spreadsheets.
Go to Analytics / Marketing / Analyses to check out our new analytics that examine room nights by location, average price per night and popularity of each listing. Verify which offers are most popular with your visitors.
New functionality has been added to all available marketing analytics:
Use advanced data filtering and get information that interests you most. Analyze detailed data in charts or tables.
You can also export the generated data to CSV format and further process it using spreadsheets. Use the booking analysis to find out, for example, what percentage of orders is cancelled, how far in advance most people plan their vacations at your facility and for how long they stay, how they pre-pay, where the largest number of bookings comes from and what nationality your guests are. With this data, you will be able to properly plan your advertising, set up inviting promotions, and decide to translate your website into another foreign language.
If you don't see the new marketing analytics on your panel, it means you don't have access to the new features yet. Don't worry, this will change in a few days and the changes will be available to you as well.
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