Technology is evolving into every corner of our lives. On a daily basis, we use the benefits of modern tools to get what we want faster. The Internet provides us with all the necessary information, we instantly evaluate, compare prices and make purchases without any contact with the seller. Is it the same when it comes to booking accommodation?
Global booking systems such as Booking.com and Airbnb have accustomed travellers all over the world to simply find a place to stay and book with a few clicks. The visitor enters the city, date, price range and is instantly presented with hundreds of different accommodation options. Amazing, convenient, but on the other hand unified. It's hard to stand out with something other than a nice photo or the price. There is no space to show the atmosphere of a given place, which is often also important for travellers. But what for we have a website! Thanks to a properly prepared website, a guest will learn more about your accommodation facility, hear the history of the place, find out why you have decided to run such a business and, above all, convince themselves that it is the best choice for them. However, to your surprise, instead of simply making a reservation - he calls or writes. Why and what can you do to turn a conversation into a booking?
The customer contacts you directly because they would like to verify that this place is really ideal for their dreamed and awaited holiday. If you have the pleasure of talking to him, you receive a package of information about what he expects. On the other hand, he has just met you and now all you have to do is convince him that your property is the perfect place for his holiday. How to do it? Opt for an individual approach. Everyone likes to be treated as an individual. A good way to follow up this conversation is to prepare an individual offer for accommodation, detailing the costs and highlighting the benefits. What might additionally convince you to book, for example, is a small discount. If, on the other hand, you don't want to change the rates - use other tactics - give a discount code for the next stay, or provide a parking space, or prepare something special for the arrival - such as a fruit basket or wine waiting in the room. If you don't have these options, perhaps you know the owner of a nearby restaurant or bike rental - negotiate a discount for your guests and add it to your offer. Don't forget, to be effective, your offer must be time-limited. Don't give your customers too much time to think and look for other options.
Holidays are not always the ideal time to go to a big city, and you have flats in the centre of a city? If they're in the right location - close to a trade fair centre, transport hub or office centres, bet on a bespoke offer for businesses. Many companies regularly send their employees on business trips or to carry out specific assignments. Many professions, such as sales representatives or regional managers, regularly visit other cities in order to finalize co-operation or to take care of business. If you've already invoiced a particular company, find out whether your one-off meeting could turn into a long-term relationship. The best way to do this is by creating individual, cost-effective offers. If there is a chance for regular cooperation - think about offering a fixed discount on your current rates.
Ideas seem good, but you don't have the time for them? We have the special tools for that. The Offer option allows you to create an individual package for your guest. In addition, it will automatically send an e-mail with information and the option to pay and thus turn the offer into an actual booking. And that's not all, the offer can be time-blocking to block availability in the calendar for a given customer, or on the contrary, leaving a given date open for booking and thus forcing guests to make quick decisions. Handling regular customers or cooperating companies doesn't have to require any effort on your part either. You can assign a fixed percentage discount to a user account. Guests log into their account during booking and immediately have their individual rates displayed, without having to contact you each time.
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