Tourists have already forgotten about the pandemic, making international travel popular again. According to Booking.com, as many as 70% of first high season lodging searches are for international travel. Learn what to do to get more bookings from foreigners, and how these settings work in conjunction with IdoBooking's channel manager.
The COVID-19 pandemic period severely curtailed international travel. Fortunately, once the situation was brought under control, trips to other countries became popular again. This is confirmed by Booking.com's data, indicating that nearly 70% of first searches for vacation properties are recorded from another country. This value has definitely increased compared to the previous year.
With the growing demand for international travel, it makes sense to compete to increase conversions in this segment of travellers. An excellent way to attract bookers from abroad will be to apply a country-specific discount. What's more, foreigners planning a vacation are less likely to cancel their bookings.
Dedicated discounts for specific countries are set up in the Booking.com extranet under "Promotional offers", then "Select new promotion" and then "Price for selected country". The minimum discount that can be offered is 5%, and the maximum is as much as 30%. Booking.com generates a list of recommended countries, and you can choose, tourists, from which countries the discount will show.
It is important to verify other promotions that are set in the extranet before entering the offer. The price for the selected country binds to all other discounts, except for the price for mobile devices, the limited offer and the price for business travellers. The promotion can be turned on and off at any time during the cooperation. In addition, at the start, you can also enter 30 days in which the offer will not apply.
It is worth considering that applying discounts for selected countries can improve the visibility of the accommodation facility in Booking.com search results, which increases the chance of getting more bookings.
The offer for a selected country can only be set in the Booking.com extranet, while the IdoBooking system actually receives bookings at promotional rates. However, keep in mind that the discounts and discounts set in the booking system from the length are sent to Booking.com as base rates and the promotions entered will be calculated on these amounts. Therefore, when deciding to enable any special offers on your extranet, analyse what settings are in effect on the IdoBooking side and whether the rate after the discount will continue to bring you the revenue you expect.
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