A well-written and presented ad is the key to success! What should you pay attention to, what can't you forget, and what should you put special emphasis on while presenting your facility? What information should you provide to avoid guests calling you with questions and instead to immediately provide them with complete information encouraging them to choose your services in the future? Check out our compendium and create an ad that will make you stand out from the competition and encourage customers to choose your guesthouse or apartment.
you have more time for working on your brand image, planning marketing activities and getting ahead of the competition
once the threat is over, you will present your guests with a new and improved ad and thus increase the booking potential
after the pandemic you will be able to promote direct bookings, which are now your best option
How to create an effective accommodation ad?
The most important thing is to understand the recipient's needs – the text should respond to them. Before you prepare a description, think about who you want to reach and what information they need. Try to create an ad in such a way as to answer all basic customer questions. Remember that a well-written ad is a higher form of conversion – the customer does not have to ask for details, and you do not have to spend time answering phone calls or emails with questions. The more reservations and the less questions, the better!
What necessary information should an ad contain?
In IdoSell Booking you can create and configure your accommodation ad with ease
In the Ad > Booking items tab, using a simple text editor and configurators you can enter basic information for customers, such as room capacity, bed configuration, room facilities, name, description, translations, gallery or meta tags. Creating a website does not require any technical knowledge. By entering it into the panel, you can automatically publish the ad on the Showcase page and ensure the right positioning.
1. Make sure you have an encouraging title that distinguishes you from your competitors
Example: instead of writing “Comfortable XXX apartment by the sea”, write “Relax in XXX: comfortable apartment with a beach view” (addressing the recipient directly works better than general information).
2. The description of the ad should be precise, but without unnecessary information: it should be brief and specific
It is worth thinking about an encouraging, eye-catching introduction to convey the most important information at the beginning of the text and to present the whole ad in a condensed rather than extended form.
3. Create a text that reflects the atmosphere and uniqueness of the facility
You can hire a professional copywriter for this task, who will know how to write a text that builds the story and image of the brand.
4. Emphasize the unique features that distinguish your place
Attractive location, high standard, original design, possibility to stay with pets, etc. This is all very important as often when choosing accommodation, one detail, relevant for the recipient, may be of decisive importance.
5. Make sure you edit it properly
Text alignment, paragraphs, bullet points, highlighting of the most important elements. Content presented in the right way is more legible and user-friendly.
6. Use the language of benefits, adapting it to the recipient
How can you do that? Specify the target group for your ad and their needs. They will be different for families and different for business customers, etc. Respond to them in the text, highlighting selected features of the ad. Always address the recipient directly and show them the benefits they will get by choosing your place.
Example of using language of benefits in an ad addressed at families with children: “Your child will be able to spend their time in a play area where they will find colourful toys, games and books. In addition, in some rooms you can request a cot for free - just check this option under additional information in the booking”.
7. "Don't forget about a call to action
Use a call to action at least once in the text: “Book your accommodation today”, “Take advantage of our promotional offer” etc.
8. Remember about translations
If your site has different language versions, don't forget to update all necessary information on each of them.
It goes without saying that the visuals in the ad are as important as the information it contains. It is not without reason that people talk about living in the image culture, where images are often able to convey more to the recipient than text. What should you pay attention to?
Aesthetically pleasing, professional, well-lit photos of the place, interiors, rooms, bathrooms
The photographs cannot be dark or fuzzy. Apart from lighting, which is of key importance here, make sure to show the right perspective: the photos must be simple and the frames should be neither too wide nor too narrow (don't cut the place in half, but don't put it in the background either to capture the whole surroundings in the frame). In case of a hotel or a guesthouse, attach 1-2 photos of the building itself. When photographing rooms, make sure that there are no unnecessary items in the rooms, such as clothes on the bed. Remember to show the most important elements of the interiors and capture them from the broadest possible perspective (a special wide-angle lens may be useful here). You may consider hiring a professional interior photographer to help you present your facility properly.
The most important thing is the first photo promoting the facility
You should choose an eye-catching photograph, encouraging guests to click on the ad. Choose a picture that best reflects the character of your place.
Authenticity, up-to-dateness
The photographs need to reflect the actual state of the facility. It is worth updating them from time to time, especially if you change the décor or introduce new facilities at your place.
Focus on the distinguishing features from the first point
If you are writing about modern design, show it in the pictures! In case of an attractive location, publish a photo of the view from the window or the surrounding area. Remember that the visual side of the ad can make it much more attractive and encourage customers to book.
You may consider adding photos with guests/staff or photos from an event of your choice
An interesting option is also a video tour, i.e. a virtual tour of the facility. To add variety, you can attach drone pictures showing the surrounding area.
To edit photos, create simple graphics for the site or posts for social media you can use free tools like Canva, BeFunky or Pablo. You can find free photos on selected stock photo portals, such as Pixabay and Pexels.com. You can create infographics with Pictochart.
This is not a mandatory point, but it is worth remembering that opinions of satisfied customers build trust, and feedback on the facility is an important factor influencing customers’ choice. Most of us are more likely to choose products or services recommended by others. References can be the thing that ultimately convinces the recipient to book your accommodation – that is why it is worth including them on the page as a kind of summary highlighting the strengths of the facility. In IdoSell Booking you can easily export reviews from Facebook to the Showcase page of your facility.
Have you already got a description with all relevant information, professional photos and reviews confirming the quality of the service? If you want to encourage customers to book your facility even more, you can think about marketing: introducing temporary promotions, discount codes, special campaigns or permanent added value (e.g. free breakfast for the whole stay). It is also worth considering cooperation with local cultural centres, providing information about local events, etc. All these elements will provide additional value and encouragement for customers who are thinking about choosing their accommodation. Above all, remember the fundamentals - without them it will be difficult for you to sell anything. Customize all details of the ad to the target group and respond to their needs, and don’t talk only about the features, but above all about benefits. If you create an ad like that, it will be difficult to ignore!
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