From now on, you can create any number of rate plans for integration with Booking.com, Expedia, and szallas.hu and use them on the same dates, presenting customers with a wide choice of cancellation policies, restrictions, and prices.
With these changes, you can offer your guests a wide variety of rate plans with different settings'. For example, you can create offers with two different non-refundable plans with different stay restrictions or refund and prepayment settings. Another example is a special weekend offer in addition to the standard offer.
Using the new features will give your guests the opportunity to choose and customise their stay to their needs and bring you more profit.
To use multiple plans on the same date, you need to create corresponding rate plans in the IdoSell and a given OTA. Multiple rate plans will not work if you use mapping by offer type, you need to switch to one-to-one mapping and uncheck Direct sales (Booking Engine) in sales channels in a specific rate plane.
Booking.com, Expedia, and Noclegi.co.uk allow you to combine multiple rate plans into one booking object.
If you have any questions about the integration or want to implement new features, please contact our IdoSell Booking Sales and Support.
The last stage of handling multiple rate plans in one date is their support in Direct Sales (Widget, API, panel). We have already introduced the possibility of adding multiple offers to the cart, simplifying the reservation process for several different objects. Additionally, all offers are sorted in the Widget against price.
Within 3 months there will be full support for multiple rate plans in one date in all sales channels, including the Widget and TripAdvisor service. Additionally, you will be able to link meal type to rate plans.
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