Giving feedback after using a product or service is now a natural phenomenon. Increasingly, the opinion of other customers is guiding us when shopping or choosing a place to relax. Collecting reviews is no longer done by the owners themselves, but by dedicated services. Collecting positive opinions can increase the number of reservations in your facility, but what if there are also dissatisfied guests among the opinions?
The possibility to give feedback is virtually everywhere - Google, Youtube, Facebook. Increasingly also in less obvious places - thumbs up or down, we can choose after a conversation with a consultant, or even at the end of a city bike ride. Booking sites are not indifferent to this global trend. There are many reasons for providing the possibility to give a rating. First of all, it is a desire to ensure the highest quality of service and satisfaction of the users of the portal. Additionally, it is a kind of protection against dishonest landlords. Moreover, Booking.com and Airbnb make no secret of the fact that the number of reviews and ratings is extremely important in terms of the algorithms for displaying properties on the site. This means that the more good reviews we get, the higher we will be in the search results. It is customary that after a stay, guests award stars or give a rating to a property. Their number is also one of the items to be filtered. There is no denying that without reviews, your property will not be visible in the given portal. Moreover, the more positive statements the higher the chances of subsequent bookings.
You are a committed guesthouse, hotel or flat manager. You take care of every detail and so far your customers have not complained about any inconveniences. Suddenly you come across a negative review on the Internet. Your first reaction is disbelief, which may turn into anger. You think to yourself that this is an insincere hater, constantly dissatisfied with everything, who undeservedly pours out his frustration on you. Such situations can happen, but they are rather rare. As a rule, the customer who has written a negative review is someone who wants to be heard. He wants to draw attention to a problem in order to get help or understanding. He is often open to discussion and suggestions for solving the problem. If you show empathy - you will get to the bottom of the problem. Getting the right answer or problem solved can bring you many benefits. If you handle the complaint correctly, you will have a loyal customer. Above all, use the feedback you receive - both positive and negative - as a tool to research the market and your guests' expectations.
You are a professional and don't let yourself get carried away by your emotions by entering into unnecessary discussions with a guest. Remember that your answers will be seen by others and much depends on your reaction to the situation. A guest has the right to express dissatisfaction - accept that and don't take every comment personally. Under no circumstances attack anyone personally and do not disclose customer details. In a crisis situation you can always encourage personal contact.
Show your clients that their opinion is important to you and respond to reviews as quickly as possible. Especially if the issue touches on difficult, negative statements. This will make you appear in the eyes of other visitors as someone who cares about the business, your customers and can solve problems. Every business has its share of stumbles and unhappy people. It is more important to react appropriately, resolve the crisis and learn from it than to dwell on it.
Put yourself in the shoes of the client. How would you feel in this situation, as a guest? Whatever you say, be respectful of the other person. If necessary, apologise and explain why the situation arose. Maybe you are already planning a change, if so, be sure to write about it. But be objective. If a guest complains, for example, about noise caused by renovations, mention that this information was given when you made the reservation. Even if the situation is beyond your control, show understanding for the client.
If negative feedback is repeated on one topic, analyse what caused it. It may just be a misdescription that misleads customers and makes their expectations different from reality. It is important not only to listen to your guests, but also to make changes that will make your property more likely to be visited.
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