The Agreement and the Terms and Conditions

IdoBooking offers simple and clear rules. We ensure standardization of all processes which allows us to improve the quality of our services and strive for perfection.

Terms and Conditions of the IdoBooking service

IdoBooking guarantees simple and clear rules. Regardless the size and type of your business, all our clients have uniform conditions of cooperation.

After ordering IdoSell, you will be asked to sign an agreement online via Customer Service Center. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period, with a 1-, 2- or 3-month notice period. The current Terms and Conditions are an attachment to the contract:

plik IdoBooking Terms - effective from 2023-02-01


plik IdoBooking Contract

Terms and Conditions of the IdoPay

plik Terms and Conditions - effective from 2023-03-01

IdoBooking Terms to be introduced

plik IdoBooking Terms - effective from 2024-05-01