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IdoBooking Price List update - effective from March 1, 2021.

While retaining update conditions included in the Agreement and the existing Terms and Conditions, we present changes in the IdoBooking Price List one month in advance. The new documents will apply from March 1, 2022

New versions of documents include changes related to:

  • One working hour of work related to the extension of the implementation package - £24/28€/$32€
  • Redesign 1 hour - £28/33€/$37 - working hour for the personalisation of the Business Card Page (the Client's website launched using the Service, presenting the Client's accommodation facilities and any information on the offer, enabling to make bookings via Widget), based on the standard templates in force at the time of the order.

The other terms of service and the Price List remain unchanged.

Full text of new documents:

Detailed IdoBooking Price List